I am nothing but proud and honored to call myself that. A Photographer. From what you have seen on the front page of this website, most of my work derives from documenting weddings. As my business grows, the relationship I have with clients grows. I feel honored to be a part of that too. To me, I have one of the best jobs on earth! I get to be a part of a person's life and I get to see their family expand. With a camera by my side, I feel pretty darn lucky to do what I do. I reside in the heart of South Florida in a city called Fort Lauderdale. My career puts two of my favorite things together; photography and the love of family.
See that Chickie holding the camera? That’s ME! I got my very first camera on my 10th birthday. It was a GAF 110 film camera. Behind me is my mom. Yes, that’s my brother in a speedo. Beside him is my sister. We were vacationing in the Bahamas. I wanna say this probably was 1980?
I am a mom of four boys!!!! They are all grown now. I think I traumatized them in their youth. I was always taking pictures of them. In that, I learned to be empathetic to folks who hate getting their photos done. Plus, I’ve learned to be quick. Especially with young ones!
This was taken at my youngest’s high school graduation.
Here’s my oldest. 100 percent self taught in playing the guitar.
Here’s my Hubby with our niece. He was trying not to crack a smile, so I yelled out, “Hey Lizzy, give him a kiss on the cheek!” CLICK! Got it!
We try to get together once every couple months as a whole family. Not everyone shows up every time, but we try. Remember the kid in the speedo’s? That’s him holding the phone! It was his birthday and we all got together at a restaurant where they had belly dancing.
Outside of my career, I have a pretty cool family of own. I am a wife and mother of an awesome family. I married the second time around at a point of my life when I thought it would never happen. I met my husband when I was a single mom of four boys. Never did think I would be handed love a second time around nor did I think I would find someone who would want to marry me with four boys. Life is funny that way, isn't it? I've been married for 17 years and I am currently going through that wretched, 'empty nest syndrome'. All of my boys are gone from the nest. Though there are feelings of sadness, I can't help to feel as well proud of the fruits of my labor. I have been photographing since I was 8 years old. As I got older, it was always a "side job" because I had the fear that I wasn't good enough to do this full time. Once the kids left the nest, I took a leap of faith and I started to photograph full time and I've never been happier. My choice of camera is Nikon. No need to get in depth of what brand is best; that is what I always used and always will. I love my Nikon camera and lens. I have had the honor to attend numerous workshops and get mentored by some pretty incredible Photographers both local and nation wide. My favorite colors are purple, red and olive. I love to watch documentaries, I have an incredible love for travel and I love to cook.
If you ever want to get a chuckle out of me, I am a sucker for Chuck Norris Jokes:
“When the Boogie Man goes to bed, he checks under the bed for Chuck Norris”
“Chuck Norris does not have near death experiences, death has near Chuck Norris experiences.”
“Chuck Norris knows Victoria’s Secret”
Very corny I must admit, but I am always down for a great laugh.
That’s me and one of my boys at a wedding. We did the Photo Booth. I will be forever grateful each time I see this guy. He drove four hours to be there. My cup runneth over!
Do you see it? Lol.
A day in my life when I am not photographing families.
LOOK! One of the Offsprings got married! This is my youngest and I moments before he walked down the aisle. It was sooo weird not having a camera that day. Hiring someone else reminded me what it is like in FRONT of the lens. Photo Credit Rosina DiBello Photography (love her!)
The kids wanted a SMALL wedding. That was hard to abide by because I wanted to share with everyone and invite the whole world to the wedding. It was held at The Sea Watch Restaurant in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It was the PERFECT beach day. Here is my youngest along with his beautiful bride and the hubby. We clean up pretty nice, eh? Photo Credit : Rosina DiBello Photography.
So that is me in a nutshell. My first love is my family and my secondary is Photography. My style tends to lean me on a documentary style of photography. That came out of the kids hating to have their photograph taken. To this day when I bring out the camera, they still roll their eyes. I learned to do it discreetly and go in a corner and observe. This style allows me to tell a story rather than having photographs that are posed. Having a family, I realize that it is important to document moments. That is where my awareness comes in. When I see a bride has her grandmother alive, I make sure that I photograph them together. I lost my Grandmother many years ago and to this day I still miss her. She got to see me through my youth and my adult life. She saw me graduate high school, get married and become a mother. Those photographs I have of her are so precious to me. This is what I have in the back of my mind when I see that grandma is there for her grand daughter's wedding and I do my best to capture that. That's just one example on how much I regard my job as a Photographer.
The time I went to travel to South America with one of my offspring and it was a trip that I will never forget…
Well, I hope that you were able to grasp a part of me. I would like to get to know a little about you! Take a look at my work and if you like what you see, I would love to chat! The more I know of you and your family, the more that I can deliver to you the best images of you, your family and of your special moments in life. Thanks for stopping by!
This is my Mom and Dad. They’ve been married 50 years and I strive to be more like them more and more everyday!
Last year for my Dad’s birthday we did FAMILY PICTURES! Here are my parents, my sister, me and my brother. If it’s been awhile for you, I highly recommend that you get your family together and take some photos. Not only it’s a chance to everyone together, but you will appreciate it later in life! TRUST ME!
Here’s the whole crazy bunch! Or at least most of them. Not everyone made it but at least we accomplished this….family pictures that my father will never forget! After everyone got their pictures taken, we presented Dad with a birthday cake and sung, “Happy Birthday!”